My Tips To Tackle A Wardrobe Cleanse!

Tomorrow’s the last day to set in stone your New Years resolutions, and in the spirit of refreshing your life, it’s the perfect time to play toss, donate, keep with your wardrobe. New year, new you right?! To help you out, I’ve compiled my top tips for the ultimate wardrobe cleanse!


Categorise, Categorise, Categorise


The first thing I always suggest is put everything in categories; dresses with dresses, jeans with jeans, heels with heels – you get the picture. This way you have a clear view of everything you own, and you won’t get distracted with let that old shirt sneak its way back into your wardrobe!


Set Goals


Having clear goals set ahead of a wardrobe cleanse is a vital part of getting it done right. Aiming to fill two ‘donate’ bags, culling down to two or three coats, or aiming to list 20 items on eBay will incentivise you to be very clear in what you want to keep and what you can do away with. Bonus, if you’re able to sell some unwanted pieces, then you can potentially earn enough money to reward yourself with a new piece!


Remember the “Have You Worn it?” Rule


This is an old one, but an important one. Put simply, if you haven’t worn it in a year, toss or donate! We often don’t consider how time changes our style, so a wardrobe cleanse is a great opportunity to get rid of pieces that don’t suit your style anymore (and of course, make room for pieces that do!).


Sentiment vs. Hoarding


It’s normal to want to hang onto a piece that reminds you of an important time in your life, like a first date dress you still love, but when you’re holding onto the old track pants from the first time you watched a movie at home together, it’s probably time to reassess.


Try it On


I cannot stress this one enough. If it’s been a long time between wears, you should always try on a piece before deciding to keep or toss it. What might have looked great when you bought it might not be so good a year on, or conversely, something you were a little on the fence about when you bought it might become your new favourite piece!


Bring in the Experts


Let’s face it, cleaning out your wardrobe can be a bit of a boring task. The best way to get you excited is to make it fun – bring your girlfriends over as your jury, put some music on, and turn it into a party!

Of course, if you want a completely neutral opinion, bring in a stylist. If you want help cleaning out your wardrobe, visit my services page and book in a time with me!


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